The Team KCA Community
The Runners Who Keep KCA Going—Both in the Race and Around the World
Adriana Yankovich
Dear Family & Friends,
Added a 3rd kid, so why not 3 marathons?
Running has always been a source of strength for me. But having that 3rd kid really turned my world upside down, and although juggling everyone’s needs had always been difficult, this past year I let whatever my own needs were completely drop. If you know me, you know I love my kids to the moon- but making the commitment to train for the marathon was a choice to love myself, a choice to say “Moms matter too.”
So I am doing this and thrilled to be able to raise money for Keep a Child, a charity devoted to what’s already close to my heart – kids, moms, and families. KCA provides treatment and support to children, teens, and families living with HIV. They also provide sexual and reproductive health services and maternal health services. You can read more about their community partnerships and focus areas here:
I am so grateful for your support in this journey. Thank you <3

New York City Marathon

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Take a Run, Make a Difference
We’re looking for teammates to lace up their running shoes for the cause. Join Team KCA today to raise money, spread awareness, and promote change—right from the starting line.