The Team KCA Community
The Runners Who Keep KCA Going—Both in the Race and Around the World
Cassidy Barnard
I can hardly believe that I finally have the opportunity to cross off a long-time bucket list item of mine… running the NYC Marathon!
Having spent nearly a decade of my life as an elite basketball player, I am no stranger to pushing myself beyond my limits physically and mentally.
For me, accomplishing a challenge like running 26.2 miles requires a “why” to fuel you to the finish line. In my research of the hundreds of amazing charities you can fundraise for, I came across KCA.
I could not think of a more noble, deserving cause than to be raising money for an organization that helps children to reach their potential and live healthier, happier lives.

New York City Marathon

Join Team KCA
Take a Run, Make a Difference
We’re looking for teammates to lace up their running shoes for the cause. Join Team KCA today to raise money, spread awareness, and promote change—right from the starting line.