The Team KCA Community
The Runners Who Keep KCA Going—Both in the Race and Around the World
Lea Valentini
Hi there!
I’m glad to share that I’ve decided to take on an exciting next step in my running journey as I will be taking part in the TCS NYC Marathon on November 3rd 2024 and I will be running with Team KCA. As I prepare for this exciting running milestone, I believe there is no better way to work towards this dream running accomplishment of mine than by striving to make a difference by fundraising for a cause that’s close to our hearts. KCA is an amazing organization that fights to mitigate adversity faced by children around the globe & support children to gain access to a better life. Please support my efforts and help reach my commitment to raise USD8000$ by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support. Any amount will help make a difference and I can guarantee it will make this experience even more special and rewarding for myself when I cross the finish line knowing I will have helped children at the receiving end of these donations 🙂
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice. Thanks so much for your support and I look forward to seeing any supporters on race day! 🙂

New York City Marathon

Join Team KCA
Take a Run, Make a Difference
We’re looking for teammates to lace up their running shoes for the cause. Join Team KCA today to raise money, spread awareness, and promote change—right from the starting line.