The Team KCA Community
The Runners Who Keep KCA Going—Both in the Race and Around the World
Sara McCord
My name is Sara McCord, I live in Arkansas with my spouse and four kids. I am a nurse practitioner who works in Cardiovascular Surgery. I have been in healthcare for 15 years. Our four kiddos keep us on our toes. My favorite part of running is showing them that we do hard things and that we need to do things that challenge us. Our family grew in a non-traditional way. We have two biological children and two adopted children. We are passionate about children and reaching those in disadvantaged situations. Running with KCA aligns with my desire to meet children where they are and help them rise above the circumstances of life.

New York City Marathon

Join Team KCA
Take a Run, Make a Difference
We’re looking for teammates to lace up their running shoes for the cause. Join Team KCA today to raise money, spread awareness, and promote change—right from the starting line.